free delivery in Germany from €99 order value

Free delivery to the EU, the United Kingdom, Switzerland and Norway from an order value of €299

Free delivery all over the world from an order value of €699

Simply sign up to receive points for all purchases in our shop

free delivery in Germany from €99 order value

Free delivery to the EU, the United Kingdom, Switzerland and Norway from an order value of €299

Free delivery all over the world from an order value of €699

Simply sign up to receive points for all purchases in our shop

free delivery in Germany from €99 order value

Free delivery to the EU, the United Kingdom, Switzerland and Norway from an order value of €299

Free delivery all over the world from an order value of €699

Simply sign up to receive points for all purchases in our shop

free delivery in Germany from €99 order value

Free delivery to the EU, the United Kingdom, Switzerland and Norway from an order value of €299

Free delivery all over the world from an order value of €699

Simply sign up to receive points for all purchases in our shop

Reward Points

Reward Points - FAQs

  1. How does the loyalty program work?

    Our loyalty program rewards you with points for every euro you spend in our shop. The rate of points earned varies, with items bought at original prices earning more points than those on sale.

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  2. When will my points be available for use?
    After each purchase, your points will be in "Hold" status for 20 days. This waiting period ensures that the legal return period for the items has passed before the points can be spent.
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  3. How are points calculated?

    Points are awarded based on the portion of your payment that excludes VAT and shipping costs. For example, if your shopping cart value is €100 (excluding VAT and shipping), you will earn points on that amount.

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  4. Can I use points to pay for my order?

    Yes, you can use your points to pay for your order. However, you can only use points for up to 50% of the total shopping cart value. For instance, if your shopping cart value (excluding shipping and VAT) is €100, you can pay up to €50 using points.

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  5. How long do my points last?

    Points expire after 365 days if they are not spent.

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  6. Are there any items that do not earn points?

    On all product pages, you can see how many points you will earn by purchasing that particular item. This way, it is clear if a specific item (or size or color) does not reward any points.

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  7. How will I know how many points I have?
    Simply log in to your account, and you will see the amount of your points displayed at the top of the page near the account icon. Additionally, you can view all earned, held, and spent points in the "My Points and Rewards" submenu within your account.
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  8. What happens if I return an item?

    If you return an item, the points you received for that purchase will be removed. Any points spent on that item will also be returned to your account.

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  9. Can I transfer my points to another account?
    No, points are intended for your account and are not transferable. If you have more than one account with the same billing and shipping address, please contact us at [email protected], and we will assist in transferring the points for you.
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  10. How do I get enrolled in the loyalty program?
    All accounts are automatically entered into the loyalty program. The only condition to earn and spend points is that you must be logged into your account when placing orders.
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  11. What is the value of each point?
    Each point is equivalent to a €1 discount for users at the "General" status level.
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